In TTC world (Trying to Conceive) the 2 week wait is known as the 2ww. (And you thought it was just the kids that had all the fun with acronyms). We are technically day 2 of the 2ww. Despite a 1% chance of falling pregnant naturally and whilst we are readying for another shot at IVF we gave it a go the good old fashion way this month. This is truly romantic stuff and it involves a wake up call at 5.30am to take my temps. Believe me, there is nothing more intimate than lying in bed with MM with an ovulation temp thermometer in my mouth. Anyway my chart looks okay so the BD took place (Baby dance, yep, another acronym – fun hey?). So I’m 2 dpo (days post ovulation). Yep another one.
For anyone who has ever been TTC and has been in the midst of 2ww you will know this is torture. Every little twinge, hunger pain, toilet stop is a mind game of Mt Everest proportion. Continuing to take temps is enough to send you bonkers. Temps at ovulation need to be pretty low (otherwise the sperm doesn’t survive) and in my case I was sitting around 36.1 (perfect spermy temperature). Temps during the luteal phase (after DPO) should be pretty high and so the new mind games start Going Here. Consequently this month I’ve decided to stop taking my temps during this stage – I just don’t need the grief. If they are too low then chances are sperm and egg didn’t meet up for a get-together this month. If they are high then it could be the fact that its summer and I’m taking the warming herbs so it could be coincidental. Not knowing the temps during the luteal phase is like bliss and ignorance. Worse case scenario this time round though is that should Day 1 occur (99% likely) then it’s off to Dr M and the start of injections.
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