Having faced the real and agonising possibility of never having a child, the idea of having more than one child was not something I could entertain. It was inconceivable, literally and figuratively. Undergoing IVF, I made bargains with the universe. Give me one baby and I will never ask for anything ever again. I will…
My refreshingly honest and relatable friendship manifesto (revamped)
“I think I f*cked up” “Oh my god” “So sorry!!!” I read the text messages and instantly I knew. Disco club tickets. A week earlier my friend and I shared a text exchange confirming that she would be tasked with purchasing the tickets for the next Disco Club to be held in August. Tickets were…
Consent and the six year old
It was Charlie’s birthday party, there were 20 something mini Ninjas in our backyard. Loud and free they are screaming, jumping and laughing. So much wild laughter and the sound is like balm to the soul. Children’s laughter is pure joy and comes as a gentle reminder that innocence is not always lost. There were tears…
The milestones keep coming, telling me to slow down.
There was never any doubt that today would result in tears. Mine were a certainty, Charlie’s less so and MM kept it cool. Proud but cool. I justified my tears by telling Charlie that they were happy tears, because it was an exciting day and a special time. We are trying to teach him that all…
A workplace manifesto to work by
Last year I surrendered the idea of having new year resolutions and instead followed – much like sheep – the trend of choosing one word. I’ve embraced the idea again this year (Fearless, by the way) but since I’m back at work I’ve started reflecting a bit on some observations I’ve made recently about work and…
I was emotionally derailed by a Kindy concert
I am watching Charlie doing the moves to “Santa wear your shorts” it is the night of his Kindy concert, I’m smiling and laughing and then suddenly I am holding back tears I didn’t even realise I was holding on to. I hold my breath and suddenly I am remembering when he was a newborn, a time when advice, solicited…