About a year ago I started to feel as though I had forgotten who I was. In a state of perpetual preoccupation, trying to keep up yet feeling like I am being left behind. I am surrounded by women who are smart, aspirational, connected, savvy and educated. Trail blazers and social entrepreneurs. It wasn’t as…
Social Media
Consent and the six year old
It was Charlie’s birthday party, there were 20 something mini Ninjas in our backyard. Loud and free they are screaming, jumping and laughing. So much wild laughter and the sound is like balm to the soul. Children’s laughter is pure joy and comes as a gentle reminder that innocence is not always lost. There were tears…
An ordinary life
There is a fabulous article in the Fin Review that I read just recently called “100 Women of Influence.” Accompanied by a list of women who are trailblazing their way through life. Those who have turned trauma into purpose (Rosie Batty) and others who are making a difference in social enterprise, the arts, business and…
Mummy Bloggers: The truth and nothing but the truth?
Blogging for me started as an outlet from the relentless and exhausting experience of undergoing IVF. It was part journal, part relief and a way to update family and friends who knew we were undergoing fertility treatment. It was far easier to write about a failed IVF attempt than it was to ring someone to…
Trial by social media
In the last 48 hours or so there has been a shit storm on social media. A workplace conflict involving two journalists and an outfit mishap. It could certainly have been handled better. But hey, we’re all perfect aren’t we? I have spent 20 years in recruitment so I’ve seen and heard my fair share of workplace…
I’m that mother
I’m that mother that you see at the park. The one who has one eye on their child and another on their phone. Funnily enough, I don’t feel that I’m being watched by other mothers and I don’t feel like I’m being judged. I’ve never had anyone give me a look that says “you’re a…